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Inspired by Kevin


Kevin came into this world with the odds stacked against him, yet he persevered time and time again. He overcame the difficulties that were thrown at him.  He swung them out of the park.  


Kevin's memorial service was a testament to his perseverance and positive attitude.  One by one, friends and family stood to tell how much they were inspired by Kevin's positive demeanor.  Think about the problems in your life.  What are they? If you knew Kevin you'd know that your problems pale in comparison to his.  Was he angry? He didn't show it.  Was he disappointed? You'd never tell by his smile.  Yet he had every reason to be angry, disappointed, and more. Still, he continued on with his happy smile and positive attitude. 


Yes, it is heartbreaking that Kevin had to leave this earth so early. But God can use his life as an inspiration for own lives.  How did Kevin inspire you? 

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